Saturday, February 5, 2011

Uncle Bill visits Baby Daniel.

Uncle Bill was so excited when he heard that Donal and Mags had their baby boy, Daniel, on January 1st, 2011. Susie and Bobby had gone to visit their Auntie Minnie in Palm Springs, and so Frank and Uncle Bill decided to rush over to Ireland and meet the new baby, Daniel.

Uncle Bill was delighted to be back in Ireland again, and to meet up with his good friend Rover. They hadn't played together for a long time and it was lots of fun. He likes Rover very much, and Rover definitely loves Uncle Bill too.
Uncle Bill took the time to talk with Grandma Connie about Susie and Bobby. Grandma Connie was wondering how the kids are - are they doing well at school? Uncle Bill told Connie that Susie is very good at reading - her favorite authors are Doctor Seuss, and Jackie Collins. Bobby is very good at arithmetic and Uncle Bill hopes that when Bobby grows up, he can get Bobby a job at the bank counting money with him in his department.
Soon it was time for a party with Uncle Bill. He played some songs on the piano and everyone sang along. Even baby Daniel seemed to enjoy it.
Uncle Bill played silly games and he wanted to jump up onto the deer's head. At Christmas Uncle Bill wore toy antlers and a fake beard. And now he was beside real antlers and he was excited. Uncle Bill is absolutely the life and soul of the party, and everybody was glad that he came to visit.


Uncle Bill loves a party. And he decided to invite his friends the Nutcracker Soldiers around for a Christmas Party at our house. They brought lots of presents, all of which were different types of nuts, and some jars of peanut butter, and Nutella too. It was great fun, and we all dressed up for Christmas.

Uncle Bill wanted to be Santa, but he was too fat for the costume - so Bobby wore it instead. But Uncle Bill put on a beard and some antlers, and did some very impressive dancing with the Nutcracker Soldiers. He also invited some girls around, but they never arrived. So, there was more food for everyone - hooray!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Great excitement after Patrick arrived home with Grandma Connie from Ireland.
It was time for a celebration, so that Bobby and Susie and Patrick and Ted could all have fun together. A cupcake party was planned, and everybody got to work, preparing the fabulous cakes.

Finally, all of the cupcakes were ready, and Sean and Fiona helped Patrick setting up the cupcake shop.

Fiona knows that it's lots of work to keep everyone happy, and making sure that everyone gets enough cake. It was very busy, and Bobby and Susie had a fabulous time with all the other teddies. Bobby ate as many cakes as he could, but Susie is watching her weight and didn't eat as many as Bobby. They thought it was more fun than America. They love being in Spain with their teddy cousins.
At the end of the day, everyone was tired after a good days work put in. It was a terrific cupcake party, and all the teddies enjoyed themselves very much. Bobby was feeling sick though, and we didn't know what was wrong with him.

Bobby at the Doctor's Office!!

So, after the great cupcake party, Bobby was feeling very sick. He had a tummy ache and was feeling dizzy. So, Patrick volunteered to take Bobby to the Doctor, to get him checked.

They were lucky to get an appointment with Doctor Pascual, a very friendly Doctor, who specializes in treating sick teddies. Ted and Froggy came too, as they already know Doctor Pascual, and they like him very much. We were all worried that Bobby was very sick.
So, Doctor Pascual took Bobby into the surgery for a full examination - Patrick stayed with Bobby in case he was afraid. Bobby is usually afraid of doctor's offices, because he doesn't have health insurance. He was surprised and relieved to hear that the doctor visit was free in Spain. Bobby thinks that Spain must be a fabulous place to live. He wondered if Susie and Uncle Bill might like to move there.

After the examination, Doctor Pascual figured out what was wrong. Bobby was a glutton and ate far too many cupcakes, and it made him sick. Doctor Pascual told Bobby that everything would be ok again tomorrow.